Monday, August 30, 2010

Bombing the Bong Son Bridge

The explosion was so loud that it woke up the whole entire city of Bong Son.  I opened my eyes to this loud noise so close by my house. At the same time I saw all of the windows and doors of our house spring wide open.  Things on the shelves in my house were crashing down on the floor.  I heard my mom's terrifying voice called out to us to go in to the more secure room to hide.  I was crouching low
on the floor while there were guns firing outside.  We knew right away that loud noise was a bomb meant to sabotage someone or somthing specific, but we did not know what got hit. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the gun fire wore down, and we all went back to bed. The next morning we found out the bridge that helped us to travel from the village to the city of Bong Son had been sabotaged last night.  It was the saddest sight I have ever seen.  I had always known that our lives were connected to war and we could be killed any time, but seeing the broken bridge, which had taken me and my friends to school, to church, to the market etc. in the city of Bong Son saddened me. It made me realize war was close to home, and we were helpless to do anything to stop it.


  1. How incredibly sad -- it's like they were cut off from all that was good in their life, and left on an island of fear and sadness. We have it so easy in this country!!!!!

  2. very sad to know you are cut off from life as you know it.......

  3. I was there and we built the Bong Son Bridge, I enjoyed my time there and I miss it.

  4. We enjoyed that bridge and miss it too. Perhaps,
    one day I will be able to go back home and visit
    it. Thank you for giving us that bridge.

    1. Your very welcome, I wish I could go back with you.

  5. You are so very welcomed, we put alot of sweat and blood into that bridge. But it was our pleasure and we just hope that the people of Bong Son enjoy it.
